Monday, January 2, 2012

DIY: Art Gallery Wall

I am addicted to pinterest, and if you've been on there, then you probably are too.  I really only browse through the diy and crafty tab, and have seen a few posts with the empty frame for artwork.  Well, I have decided to take it to the next level, just helps that I totally scored on the frames too! :o)

My daughter is 5, and is an avid artist.  Before this new project, there was a wire strung on her wall with little clips to hang the art work on, it worked, but it wasn't "working" for me anymore.

It had to change... and I am in LOVE with the new art wall.  Here's a preview...

Did I mention that I LOVE LOVE LOVE it? 

So here's what I did.... Frames can be sort of expensive, so I spent a few weeks searching those online websites like BooKoo and Craigslist, I definitely didn't want to spend a ton of money doing this project, and I didn't want to buy new frames.  I totally scored on these frames... I found these frames and about 20 more (maybe more than that) for $30.  $30!! SCORE.  They were just some old wood frames that were plain Jane, exactly what I was searching for.

I then traveled to a wallyworld store and picked up some spray paint, I picked them in a gloss finish because I wanted that shiny candy coated sort of feeling to go with them.  I had though I would go with the pink, blue and white originally, but they were out of white, so I chose a yellow... with the 3 pastel like colors I thought it would be sort of easter egg-ish with the purple walls, but I think it turned out perfectly.  I don't think that the white would have worked out so well after I saw the yellow on the wall.

As soon as I got home, literally, I HAD to start my project... a woman on a mission for sure.  I had to sand some of the finish off of the frames... oh a delay, not good... but I slightly sanded some of them (excited to start painting already) and then tested out a few... did you know that I LOVE this?! I'm also not that great at spray painting, but I guess I'll just have to do more projects to practice this :o)

I had a TON of frames... I initially had picked out 12 from the lady I bought them from, but she asked me how much I had to spend and then she basically gave me a whole box for free. The sun was starting to set already, I had driven all over to get everything... so I had to pack it up and save it for the next day, but then I was excited to get out of bed and not just lay around (love vacation and weekends!).

  I didn't waste anytime the next day, I wanted this project done, not one of those that just lays around waiting and waiting and waiting... I know I'm not the only one out there now!

Any who, paint paint paint... dry dry dry.... repaint, dry again... FINALLY... and then I had to clean up my daughters room... another delay.  But it didn't take too long and finally got to put the frames up.  I just nailed 2 nails to hold them up so that they'd always be level... like how I framed in the light switch? I plan on finding some cute paper and doing some mod podge on that to make it a work of art too. I thought it would look odd to not have it framed... so I did, and of course my daughter asked why I did it, but why not?!

 I didn't do any layout planning for this, I just put them up where I thought they looked right.  I found some cheap little clips at the dollar store, they had a magnet on the back, but I just popped it off with a screwdriver... and now I have 12 magnets to make another project.. hmmmm what WILL I do?!??

I just put a nail through the center hole in the clip and fixed it to the wall... I wont lie, I was somewhat hesitant to put soooo many holes in my walls... but eh, whatever, I own the house, so I'll do what I want right? Besides, when we go to sell this place maybe the cool art wall will distract the potential buyers from all the toys in the room, and the smallish size of the room too lol :o)

I'm seriously stoked on my, I mean, my daughters new art wall... just need some more pictures to hang in there, and a couple more clips too (I bought all the ones at my local dollar store, so now I need to go to another one... but I couldn't wait to share this with you all!)

Here is some of her work...
A portrait of Grandma (my momma)

Tinker bell.... not sure why her neck is so long, but it's a work of art :o)

Hope you love this as much as I do ,and that it inspires you to make your own art gallery wall!

another new year...

another year has passed, and here we are again... a brand new slate?

well, I don't personally do the whole resolution thing, it's just empty promises mainly... but I do plan getting back on track and for my checklist to actually have some check marks on it :o)

So here it goes.... the BLOG.  it will be grand, it will be awesome, and hopefully I will be able to figure it out and make it look the way I want it to.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


well, it's apparent that I'm a bad blogger... I forget to take pictures, and I have a hard time actually getting on here (vice facebook) to actually share what I've been up to. 

a TON of crafting has been going on, and yes I've been cheating on my wednesdays and crafting on other days too :o)  it's been fun though.  Since my last post, over 2 months ago, I've learned a lot, and made a lot.  I learned how to quilt a couple of weeks ago, and have made 3 quilts.  they are semi-home made quilts, as I like to use the pre-cut charm pack fabrics instead of cutting out my own squares. But tonight I did purchase a 5" square cutting thing so that I can cut my own squares (one day). 

I hope to get better at this blogging game... maybe it will be my new years resolution? My mom did that a couple of years ago, she was inspired by the julie and julia movie.  Although her blogging wasn't about cooking, it was scrapbookings.  So maybe I'll follow in my mom's footsteps (again) and do the same with 2012?? I mean... it could be the last year of our lives with the whole doomsday 2012 apocalypse thing that's "happening". but instead of doing every single day .... that could get really expensive and frankly wear out the creative juices... but it could also drain my pinterest boards and i could check everything off of my pin boards in 1 year instead of probably 10 :o)

we will see... sounds like a good idea... but we will see :o)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Now why didn't I think of that?!

Have you ever had that "well duh" moment?  You know what I mean, that why didn't I think of that?! Well this was one of those moments.... ok I've had a lot of these moments since I've found become addicted to Pinterest.

There's this new boutique fad for little girls of the pillow case dress. I don't really care for the pillow case dress, I mean they're really cute, but not my style.  But then I found this...  and why didn't I think of that?! A Pillowcase Nightgown! I must say that my daughter LOVES them. 

I rummaged through my linen closet (which I actually organized recently!) but all of our pillow cases are boring, so off to the thrift store.  There's a little thrift store in my tiny town (very tiny... 3 stop lights tiny) and I scored.  2 pillow cases for just 50 cents! They have some nice older ones there, and I picked up a few sets, 4 in total I think.  Made some of the night gowns... and then some fancy pj pants are in store soon too.  So... 50 cents for 2 pillow cases, and it takes only 1 pillow case to make a dress... 25 cents for a night gown... far better than the $12 or so to spend at the store. Why are pajamas so expensive?! Not anymore!

Now why didn't I think of that?!  Thank you Pinterest!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

OMG... it actually worked!!

I must say... I have been sewing since maybe April or May and have completely avoided making clothing for myself... until tonight. AMAZED!!! I went to the local fabric store the other day and had just one item... but I couldn't leave the store.  I went to the back discount rack and found my favorite fabric on clearance! White burnout knit fabric.  Ok, well I love white burnout, but knits are new to me, I've only made one other thing with knits and it was for my daughter. But it was a complete score. So I bought 3 yards.  I knew what I wanted to make.... just had to actually do it and not avoid it. 

Here is my inspiration.... Bought this many years ago from a popular national mall store (AE)...

I love this pullover... it's light yet keeps you warm, and it's ultra comfy. Can't lose in my book.

So I knew that I wanted to re-create this (although I added to it, better cuffs on the sleeve and the bottom) ... I love the original, but it's way too big now (but I still wear it).  It's comfy :o)

So today... was the day.  I got out my fabric, a pile of paper and I went to town.  I was confident that I could do this... I've made a few jackets for my kids so I just thought of this being the same way.  I taped my papers together and started to make my pattern from my loved sweater thing.  And then it hit me... this might actually work!!

I laid all my pattern pieces together (except the hood) and it fit.  I was shocked Of course it fit I made it :o)      I made another one earlier today in heather gray and it was a little too big, but will be perfect for the gym... and then I made this one tonight....

White, burnout knit.... wonderful comfy hooded sweater pullover thingy ma bob.  LOVE. 

I really can't express how excited I am that it actually worked and I LOVE IT!!!  Cannot wait to over wear it this coming cold season next week.  Looks like my old one will head to retirement. 

Good bye $30+ bracelets... hello to great style and super savings!

So... a while back I hosted a jewelry party and bought too many some fabulous wrap style bracelets... lets just say that I no longer need to pay over $30 for these bracelets anymore! Don't get me wrong, I still like the $30+ ones... but they just don't have the satisfaction attached to them.   The satisfaction of saying, "yeah, I made that!"  

Here's a triple wrap leather bracelet with glass pearl beads... took about an hour and cost a considerable amount less than what I would have paid at that party...  and I even have enough beads to make a second one!

(please excuse my crappy picture... my phone really isn't the best way to do this, but it's always closest... and usually always charged!)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

well... i finally made it...

a blog that is.  Never really thought I would... then a few months ago I got carried away with crafting and people started suggesting it to me.  It all started when a friend told me how to fix my "broken" sewing machine... just had to adjust the tension, who knew? not me that's for sure.  And now... I can't stop.  I'm a shopper and a crafter at heart, and what better way to tackle these things than by buying the supplies to make what I would have originally bought... and then extra plus of being able to say "why yes, I made that"?! It's a win-win in my book. 

I do draw the line sometimes... like when it's obviously cheaper to just buy the item vice making it... but so far haven't come across that too often.  For instance, I love the leather wrap bracelets and the one I wanted was over $30... but I made some for less than $4 a piece (if that).  So... 30? or 4?! Easy.  And so basically I'm addicted. 

So here I am, the official starting point sharing my addiction with the world. I just need to remember to take pictures now.