Wednesday, September 28, 2011

well... i finally made it...

a blog that is.  Never really thought I would... then a few months ago I got carried away with crafting and people started suggesting it to me.  It all started when a friend told me how to fix my "broken" sewing machine... just had to adjust the tension, who knew? not me that's for sure.  And now... I can't stop.  I'm a shopper and a crafter at heart, and what better way to tackle these things than by buying the supplies to make what I would have originally bought... and then extra plus of being able to say "why yes, I made that"?! It's a win-win in my book. 

I do draw the line sometimes... like when it's obviously cheaper to just buy the item vice making it... but so far haven't come across that too often.  For instance, I love the leather wrap bracelets and the one I wanted was over $30... but I made some for less than $4 a piece (if that).  So... 30? or 4?! Easy.  And so basically I'm addicted. 

So here I am, the official starting point sharing my addiction with the world. I just need to remember to take pictures now.